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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry: Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals (naics 622310)
This industry comprises establishments known and licensed as specialty hospitals primarily engaged in providing diagnostic and medical treatment to inpatients with a specific type of disease or medical condition (except psychiatric or substance abuse). Hospitals providing long-term care for the chronically ill and hospitals providing rehabilitation, restorative, and adjustive services to physically challenged or disabled people are included in this industry. These establishments maintain inpatient beds and provide patients with food services that meet their nutritional requirements. They have an organized staff of physicians and other medical staff to provide patient care services. These hospitals may provide other services, such as outpatient services, diagnostic X-ray services, clinical laboratory services, operating room services, physical therapy services, educational and vocational services, and psychological and social work services.
3 employers found

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 Employer Name  Address sorted descendingCity  State Employees

 US Veterans Ctr    Holiday Dr    White River Jct    VT 5-9
 University of VT Cancer Ctr    Beaumont Ave # 4    Burlington    VT 20-49
 Southwestern VT Regl Cancer    Hospital Dr # 116    Bennington    VT 20-49
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