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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry: Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers (naics 423840)
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the merchant wholesale distribution of supplies for machinery and equipment generally used in manufacturing, oil well, and warehousing activities.
26 employers found

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Employers 1 through 25 of 26
 Employer Name  Address  City  State sorted descendingEmployees

 Kaman Composites Vermont    Performance Dr    Bennington    VT 100-249
 H & M Indl Sales    Wentworth Dr    Williston    VT 10-19
 Granite City Tool Co of VT Inc    Blackwell St    Barre    VT 10-19
 Bascom Family Farms Inc    Cotton Mill Hl # A106    Brattleboro    VT 10-19
 Applied Industrial Tech Inc    Park St # 9    Rutland    VT 5-9
 Maple Pro Inc    Lemnah Dr    St Albans    VT 5-9
 H2O Innovation    Grand Ave    Swanton    VT 5-9
 Apex Sealing Inc    Yankee Park Rd    Fairfax    VT 5-9
 Vermont Evaporator Co    Granite St    Montpelier    VT 5-9
 Sykes Hollow Innovations Ltd    Tennis Way    East Dorset    VT 5-9
 Moose Mountain Maple    Butler Ln    Underhill    VT 1-4
 Kaman Industrial Technologies    Veterans Ln    Burlington    VT 1-4
 Sweet Stone Maple Farm    Pearl St    Hardwick    VT 1-4
 Abrasives & Tools of NH    Raymond Cir    Hartford    VT 1-4
 Applied Industrial Tech Inc    Scale Ave # 11B    Rutland    VT 1-4
 Dominion Grimm    Water St    North Bennington    VT 1-4
 Bushee Family Maple Farm    Quarry Hill Rd    Danby    VT 1-4
 Maple Expert Solutions Inc    John Putnam Memorial    Cambridge    VT 1-4
 Haun Welding Supply    Chad Ln    Williston    VT 1-4
 Patriot Freightliner    Westminster Hts    Westminster Sta    VT 1-4
 Cowan Technologies Inc    Dorset Ln # 201    Williston    VT 1-4
 Longhill Maple Equipment    US Route 7    Pittsford    VT 1-4
 Pengate Handling Systems         Burlington    VT 1-4
 Bearings Specialty Co    Commerce St    Williston    VT 1-4
 CDL Rutland    Route 103    North Clarendon    VT 1-4
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