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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry Group: Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers (naics 4237)
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in the merchant wholesale distribution of hardware; plumbing and heating equipment and supplies (hydronics); warm air heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies; and refrigeration equipment and supplies.
63 employers found

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 Granite On the Go    Commerce Ave # 3    South Burlington    VT 1-4
 Grassroots Solar Inc    Blue Spruce Ln    East Dorset    VT 1-4
 Green Lantern Solar    S Pinnacle Ridge Rd    Waterbury    VT 1-4
 Green Mountain Cmnty Solar LLC    Scott Hwy    Groton    VT 1-4
 Green Mountain Solar    Ethan Allen Dr # 1    South Burlington    VT 1-4
 Green Peak Solar LLC         Waitsfield    VT 1-4
 Gro Solar    Old River Rd # 3    White River Jct    VT 1-4
 Grosolar    Billings Farm Rd    White River Jct    VT 50-99
 Heating & Cooling Direct         Hyde Park    VT 1-4
 Hulbert Supply Inc    Franklin St    Brandon    VT 1-4
 Hulbert Supply Inc    Pine St    Burlington    VT 10-19
 Industrial Tool Specialists    Skitchewaug Trl    Springfield    VT 1-4
 Kelley Bros    Holly Ct    Williston    VT 10-19
 Kelley Bros of New England LLC    S Main St    Barre    VT 1-4
 Lorien Logic Systems         Bridgewater    VT 1-4
 Maple Leaf Solar LLC    Shields Dr    Bennington    VT 1-4
 Mountain Energy Design    Mountain St    Bristol    VT 1-4
 Myson Inc    Hercules Dr # 5    Colchester    VT 5-9
 Norwich Solar Technologies Inc    Railroad Row    White River Jct    VT 20-49
 Orgill Inc    Southdown Ct    Essex Junction    VT 1-4
 Pellergy LLC    Pioneer Ctr    Montpelier    VT 5-9
 Renewable Energy Systems    Bridgewater Hollow Rd Ext    Bridgewater Cors    VT 1-4
 Same Sun Choice    Merchants Row    Rutland    VT 1-4
 Sid Harvey's    Quality Ln    Mendon    VT 1-4
 Solaflect Energy    Main St # 4    Norwich    VT 5-9
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