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State:  Vermont
County:  All counties
Industry Group: Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merchant Wholesalers (naics 4233)
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in the merchant wholesale distribution of lumber, plywood, millwork, and wood panels; brick, stone, and related construction materials; roofing, siding, and insulation materials; and other construction materials, including manufactured homes (i.e., mobile homes) and/or prefabricated buildings.
103 employers found

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Employers 51 through 75 of 103
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 Loewen Window Ctr-Upper Valley    Bridge St    White River Jct    VT 1-4
 Manchester Marble & Soapstone    Richville Rd    Manchester Ctr    VT 1-4
 Marble House Project Inc    Dorset West Rd    Dorset    VT 5-9
 Mccullough Crushing    Mccullough Hill Rd    Middlesex    VT 20-49
 Mccullough Crushing    RR 14    East Calais    VT 1-4
 Mclaughlin Je    Randbury Rd    Rutland    VT 20-49
 Meadows Edge Fence    Red Oak Dr    Colchester    VT 1-4
 Mill River Lumber Ltd    Middle Rd    North Clarendon    VT 20-49
 Mountain View Skids    Boston Post Rd    Enosburg Falls    VT 1-4
 Nantucket Post Cap LLC    Hull St # 3    Randolph    VT 10-19
 Newmont Slate Co Inc    Vt Route 149    West Pawlet    VT 20-49
 North Country Granite    Derby Rd    Derby    VT 1-4
 Northeast Timber Exchange    Transport Park    Bellows Falls    VT 1-4
 Northern Mausoleum Svc    S Front St    Barre    VT 5-9
 Pickett Inc    E Randolph Rd    Chelsea    VT 1-4
 Postech Northern Vermont         Fairfax    VT 20-49
 Rathbun Allen    Notch Rd    Bristol    VT 1-4
 Richard S Ward Lumber Co    Webster Rd    Shelburne    VT 1-4
 Riendeau Russell & Sons Inc    Burrington Bridge Rd    Lyndonville    VT 1-4
 Riverton Memorials    Route 12    Berlin    VT 10-19
 Riverton Memorials    Route 12    Northfield    VT 5-9
 Rock of Ages Corp Visitors Ctr    Graniteville Rd    Graniteville    VT 10-19
 Rock Solid Granite Countertops    Bunker Hill Cir    Marshfield    VT 1-4
 Rutland Plywood Corp    Ripley Rd    Rutland    VT 5-9
 Simon Pearce    Quechee Main St    Quechee    VT 1-4
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